Monday, January 27, 2025

 There has been a lot happening lately so not much spare time to post. The well pump died last week so I had no water for five days . I was sick as a dog ,and It was as cold as it ever gets and the fellows were out taking the old pipes apart. I just stayed out of the way so as to not slow them down. I remember when the pump was installed , I was just a kid and Grandpa had Bidtner's Pump service put the new pump in. He knew old man Bidtner and knew he did a good job. The pump lasted over fifty years , so I guess they did it right!

 At work they finally got rid of the Problem Child . Dude is 29 years old and acts like an eight year old. Any time anyone offered any guidance on anything job related , he would take it as a personal attack . Usually how things would go down would be Problem Child would fuck something up , get a coaching and get butthurt and not show up to work for a while. Time of absence directly proportional to amount of perceived butthurtedness . The Powers That BE were starting to look his way with the Eye Of Stink but Problem Child wouldn't take the hint , and decided to put his foot down! Well that was not a good strategy being he was already on very thin ice.    

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