Sunday, August 6, 2023


  Bringing third world "refugees" into our country who have no interest in in actually become Americans is foolish. Bringing in people who refuse to do anything other that demand that the government support them helps nobody. Allowing criminals to cross the border and then  rewarding their illegal entry into the USA with free everything including health care and cash with SNAP cards too ? Madness ! The liberal politicians want the "Wretched refuse" to move in with the "Little people" not into the penthouse with them . Its like throwing a turd into a swimming pool , its not like you taught the turd to swim , you've just contaminated the pool and made it unpleasant for everyone else. The turds don't care. ,and neither do the libs as long as a turd doesn't land in their pool.  I have absolutely NO problem with immigrants if they do it the right way , But blowing across the border and demanding free everything while contributing nothing is not the way. Do it right , put in the work and make it happen ! That has always been "The American Way" .The Land of The FREE doesn't mean what you think it means kids.

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