Thursday, July 27, 2023

 So the Dr. told me I should limit my coffee intake to one cup a day. Bummer ! That is going to be tough to do. I usually down most of a pot in the morning .

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

                                                              Cardiac relapse 

    So the last two times I went to my cardiac rehab I ended up in the E.R. . Guess the Atrial Defibrillation is back. so I guess I've had a cardiac relapse . hopefully we can get this figured out.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

   A couple years ago I put in a herb garden  , I had a bunch of different perennial herbs going and it has been handy to go out and grab a hand full of fresh  herbs. Now though the kitchen garden has become the oregano patch The oregano has overtaken the spot. I am not too unhappy ,its a good looking plant and the honeybees like it. Wonder how the honey tastes would it have a hint of oregano flavor ?  I have another herb garden by the main garden that the mint has overrun time for mojitos !

Friday, July 21, 2023


   Music is a gift . I thoroughly enjoy putting on some tunes and kicking back . I like to play also, but Im not too good. Sometimes it almost feels like therapy grab the ol acoustic guitar and bang away . I ought to spend less time on the computer and more time on the guitar. I am also thinking about what to do after I retire. That is not too far away . The thought of a podcast occurred , probably no money in that though.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

   I tried my hand at making salsa and it came out alright. It was onion , garlic , bell pepper , tomatoes and cilantro I added some lime juice to it later and that added a lot  of flavor . I am going to play around with it some more, good stuff and worth the time to make

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


I am a maintenance man . I fix stuff in a factory . My job is part Mr fix it , part teacher a bit of safety  and some psychiatrist too. I work with two young dudes, one of them is a poster child for the everybody gets a participation trophy and a trip to Chuckie Cheese a total whiny entitled looser. The other is a hard working motivated go getter.  I have been trying to train Mr whiny entitled one for almost a year, and it feels like I am talking to a brick wall. (He doesn't grasp the simple beginners stuff like wiping off stuff after you grease it) I share how's and whys with the other dude and he Gets It. Mr Whiny keeps making the rest of us look good  ,he's that much of a fucktard . He is only good for grunt work and grease monkey level tasks .

Sunday, July 2, 2023

   Kind of sad to see France burning. Reminds me of the rioting we saw around the USA  . I think avoiding crowds and cities isn't a bad idea . If you have to go into a large urban zone maybe being armed with more than just a ham sandwich might a thought