Friday, April 7, 2023


Kind of a setback , Sunday night I had trouble breathing , ended up going to the E.R. in town about ten in the evening. Well they decided to send me back to St. Mary's That is where the heart surgery was done . The CAT scan was showing fluid build up by where the valve and aneurism was repaired .The Dr in the ER said I might have to get it re done. Talk about a bad feeling! they said no ground transport was available , I asked if they were going to call an uber. That was when they sedated me and intubated me .(Note to self don't make wise cracks to the E.R. staff , they have ways to shut one up ! ) I got to take a helicopter ride , too bad I was out cold for it. I woke up the next morning not knowing WTF was going on. I spent most of the week in the hospital had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy done (Hope they had two different cameras for that.) and some repairs done while they were under the hood. got out yesterday . so it has been a one step foreword ,two steps back kind of week. but I'm back to making progress once again . 

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