Saturday, February 18, 2023

 Working in the maintenance department for Milwaukee tools is interesting I've learned a lot, and taught some too. one cool thing is we get a decent discount on tools . The employee tool sale allows us to get stuff for half of retail price. Now , being in the maintenance department means I get to use a lot of different tools and see what is most useful , kind of like a try before you buy situation . Its nice to use tools in a real life real time before laying down hard earned cash and being disappointed . We have been swamped so lots of overtime ,and I have been spending most of the O.T. on shiny new tools to replace my old ones that have dead batteries. I had DeWalt cordless tools for a long time  ,but the batteries were all getting weak, and replacing them would cost almost as much as replacing the whole tool. So I hooked one of my friends with my old cordless tools and set about refitting my kit .The cordless tools make life so much easier , no more spending an inordinate  amount of time wrestling extension cords ,and the battery powered impact wrenches and die grinders make air tools obsolete . No more compressor rattling away half the time making conversation impossible , no dragging an air hose all through everything . time savers for sure! 

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