Monday, February 27, 2023


   Spent a day in the hospital last week getting my heart looked over in anticipation of repairs . The nurses were wonderful! I am frightened of doctors and hospitals so it was a rough day. after the sedatives , they said no driving for 24 hours. All the next day I Could NOT find my glasses. They were sitting on my dresser the whole time. I must have walked past them 10 tomes and missed them. Guess they weren't kidding!  I was kind of loopy all day.I will have to talk with the surgeon March First and we will proceed from there. Wish me luck!

Monday, February 20, 2023

                                                                  It's Monday Baby

Sunday, February 19, 2023


      I gotta get organized !  My shop downstairs is a disaster. The workbench is cluttered with all the tools I recently got , and , I have to figure out some kind of way to store all the batteries and chargers and tools. I tried peg board but the hooks like to fall off and dont work all that well. I guess I will build something myself .In order to get something done I have to clear the decks somehow and make space to work so it means shuffling things around making space and moving things three times or more. This could turn into a longer process than Ii was hoping.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

 Working in the maintenance department for Milwaukee tools is interesting I've learned a lot, and taught some too. one cool thing is we get a decent discount on tools . The employee tool sale allows us to get stuff for half of retail price. Now , being in the maintenance department means I get to use a lot of different tools and see what is most useful , kind of like a try before you buy situation . Its nice to use tools in a real life real time before laying down hard earned cash and being disappointed . We have been swamped so lots of overtime ,and I have been spending most of the O.T. on shiny new tools to replace my old ones that have dead batteries. I had DeWalt cordless tools for a long time  ,but the batteries were all getting weak, and replacing them would cost almost as much as replacing the whole tool. So I hooked one of my friends with my old cordless tools and set about refitting my kit .The cordless tools make life so much easier , no more spending an inordinate  amount of time wrestling extension cords ,and the battery powered impact wrenches and die grinders make air tools obsolete . No more compressor rattling away half the time making conversation impossible , no dragging an air hose all through everything . time savers for sure! 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

   It has been a while ! I have been working 12 hour days and that does not leave a lot of extra time for other things. Got the north bedroom done and am all moved in. It is looking like I will have to get heart surgery done that is scary , but it is better to know about it rather than have a possibly fatal surprise.