Friday, September 16, 2022

   It looks to me that accepting handouts from the Government is the way to poverty and ruin. It seems that all government assistance is designed to be a disincentive . A couple years ago I was below poverty level barley making it .  One day I got a phone call from a nice lady who was with the energy assistance program with the county , and she wanted to see if I was interested in applying for energy assistance I would have just made it to qualify for $250 or so a month . The thing that bothered me was I could not earn any more. I did a quick calculation If I got $250 a month that works out to $3,000 in a years time. If I worked ten hours of O.T. a week that's 15,000 a year 120 hours of O.T. (about three months worth) the rest of the overtime money is mine ! Sure working long hours sucks , but , when you go into work on Friday and you are already getting overtime Its a Good Day.  The moral of the story ? Don't take the easy cheese , it might be a trap                                                                                   

Monday, September 5, 2022

   I was hoping to get moved into the north bedroom this weekend but , paint will only dry so fast and there isn't much you can do to speed up the process.  As of Labor Day afternoon the ceiling has three coats and is mostly done. the walls have 2 coats and look good I have to go around the edges where the rollers couldn't reach , the interface between the wall and ceiling , and the inside corners the roller couldn't get.      

Sunday, September 4, 2022

   So , I'm working around the hacienda this weekend repainting the spare bedroom so it will become my new bedroom and the one I'm in can get the walls and ceiling patched up and re painted . some of the plaster has come loose so it'll take a bit of work to finish that room. the new room will be nice , it is on the corner and has two windows so lots of  light