Sunday, February 23, 2025


                                    Another bear

       I ask myself that a lot !



 It is interesting watching Elon Musk tear into the finances of the federal .gov like a hungry badger tearing up a gopher nest . My thoughts are Musk's wonder kids are like an Art of War Vs. revenge of the Nerds mashup . Good Lucki kids ! 




   Sad times around the ranch. Mom passed away last week. She had been ill in December and never really recovered .  We decided to have the memorial service in a couple months when things warm up a bit.  Also at the end of January I had a colonoscopy the prep for them is less than pleasant , as any who have had the procedure  can attest. Hopefully things will calm down a bit now . On a more positive note , I picked up a Springfield Armory S.A.35 9MM It is a Browning HiPower copy with a couple small tweaks . I have wanted one for a while ,and finally grabbed one. I wanted a 9MM but something with a little class , and Lugers are getting kinda spendy. I looked hard at the Beretta 92 but went with the Springfield , I like the SA35 it feels good in hand and the controls are similar to a 1911 which I am familiar with . It is about the same size as the 1911 but 2x the magazine capacity . After I become proficient with it the SA35 will be my primary carry pistol.