Sunday, November 24, 2024

 Basement windows are done, Project "Pain in the Glass " is completed , It came out well , replaced the rotted sills got the new windows in and sealed up. even after spending most of Friday in the E.R. oh well another story for another day perhaps . I did not think about taking pictures until about half way through the reinstall process. Now I can work on rederrainging the shop space into something that flows a bit better.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

 I am happy the election is over and we can forget politicians for a bit . The Holiday season rapidly approaches and it is a time to spend with family and friends. Deer season starts this weekend and Thanksgiving next week ! I do not plan on hitting the woods, going to put the windows in and then put the shop into order . I need more light down there , going to have to figure that part out. I will see if I can move most of my stuff out of the way so when the time comes we can get at both the power tools and the windows without too much fooling around. Gotta get some construction adhesive too. Almost forgot Wonder what else I'm forgetting...

Monday, November 18, 2024

 I have a couple windows in the basement (Grouch Cave) that are falling apart . Two double hung windows side by side . I like the windows they allow lots of light in , and when working ventilation too . I was thinking about putting in glass blocks to fill it in, but got lucky and found some vinyl prehung windows on craigslist . Yesterday I took a Sunday afternoon drive and picked up the replacement windows, next weekend the install . I am looking foreword to it the place will be warmer , and when the windows are done I will move the workbench over there . That is where I have wanted the bench but I didn't want it in the way when I fix the windows. That will allow me to rearrange the workspace to actually work .